Exam tips: what you would rather not do before

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 10 May 2024
Exam tips: what you would rather not do before - careers
Exam tips: what you would rather not do before - careers


You have been preparing for weeks and now the exam is imminent. If you have planned and structured the preparation time well, that's half the battle. But the psyche also has to play along. Even if the content is right, the nervousness can put a stop to the hoped-for success of the exam. So here are some last-minute exam tips for the days immediately before the exam ...

Exam Prep: These strategies really help

We already mentioned it at the beginning: The most important thing is good exam preparation. Make a plan, divide up the workload well so that you are not pressed for time. If you learn under pressure, you forget content more quickly. Because - here the vernacular is right - exam anxiety is a bad advisor.

Close the active phase preparation at least three days before the actual exam. With bulimia learning, you may be able to cram some formulas here and there. However, this is best suited as a short-term strategy. If you haven't internalized the most important facts, you won't get them into your head at the last minute, especially not into your long-term memory.

Exam tips from the realm of legends

When you go to sleep, put your textbook under your pillow and everything will be fine. Or tell yours Worry eater dolls Your fears, then it will fit ... You will hardly believe it, but some students actually have to listen to advice like this shortly before graduation. Please forget about that again very quickly. These are pseudo-wisdoms from the realm of legends. Fortunately, there are tried and tested alternatives.

Exam tips just before the exam

That's why we give you exam tips here aimed at long-term success:

  • Repetition
    Use the last few days before the exam only to repeat what you have already learned and to anchor it in your head. This is how you will see that you have done everything necessary to prepare. This creates the necessary self-confidence that you have understood the material.
  • Breaks
    Take regular breaks. After 45 minutes, the head needs a break. Treat him to this. Five minutes are enough. Preferably in the fresh air. You learn more and get inner peace and new strength.
  • Deepen
    Reduce the study time now and don't bury yourself behind your study script all day. Go through it just loosely, go into one or the other in greater depth. And above all, visualize what you can and not what you cannot. After that, however, the notes should disappear in the drawer.

Exam tips for the evening before the exam

Then he is there - the evening before the exam. This is the point in time when the nervousness curve skyrockets. But it doesn't have to.

  • It is essential that you refrain from alcohol and other drugs.
  • Under no circumstances should you use this to loosen up or switch off.
  • Avoid other stressful people - they only increase the anxiety.

Especially when the nervousness increases, the approach to the valerian pack is obvious. Nevertheless, you should stay away from it. If you are not experienced with these types of anxiety-reducing agents, there is a high risk that you will start your exam tired or, paradoxically, become more anxious. The effects of over-the-counter and seemingly harmless pills should not be underestimated either. They have a very individual effect and the effect curve is difficult to assess. Which is recommended instead

  • Arrange all the things you need for the next day: clothes, writing implements, and so on.
  • Go jogging or exercise.
  • Do something cultural or social (without alcohol!).
  • Go to sleep in time to be rested the next day.
  • Think positive: autosuggestions can help you strengthen yourself.

Exam tips for the day of the exam

Get up early. Leaving at the last minute is more stressful than it already is. Anyone who has to go to another location for the oral or written exam should plan in advance for an appropriate time buffer.

Have a light breakfast that is not heavy in the stomach. Then your body is busy digesting instead of thinking. So-called brain food in the form of whole grain bread, nuts or fruit provides you with everything you need for concentrated work: No industrial sugar, instead high-quality carbohydrates, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tips during the exam

Don't panic if you can't see the forest for the trees at first. If you can't think of anything to do with the first task, just skip it. Start with what is easiest for you.

Make it clear to yourself: an exam is not a struggle. It is only a matter of making the situation as active as possible and not just reacting passively to the examiner and his questions. Show what you know. As a rule, the examiners are not hostile to you either.

Instead, consider them a partner to access your knowledge. With this psychological exam trick you take a lot of pressure off the day and the exam. Because a passed exam is not only your success, but also that of the examiner: After all, he taught you the material.

TIP: Toe wiggle against blackout

And if you get something like a blackout in the middle of the exam and all other exam tips fail: Use this neuroscientific tip: Wiggle your toes! No kidding - it always works (see video).