Accommodation and Assimilation: Encouraging New Thinking

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 3 May 2024
Accommodation and Assimilation: Encouraging New Thinking - careers
Accommodation and Assimilation: Encouraging New Thinking - careers


The terms Accommodation and Assimilation come from psychology and describe the process by which people absorb and classify new experiences in existing thought patterns. They then determine our behavior, our way of thinking and our actions. While the assimilation classifies the new knowledge in the already existing thought pattern, arise through the Accommodation new knowledge, new thinking and new behavioral patterns - in short: personal development progresses faster ...

Accommodation and assimilation according to Jean Piaget

The terms accommodation and assimilation originally come from the Development stage model by Jean Piaget.

  • The assimilation (French for Alignment) describes the process by which a person classifies the new experiences into an existing cognitive scheme.
  • In the Accommodation (French for Adaptation) the existing scheme changes through experience, the perspective of the person concerned is expanded. Under the term Scheme Piaget understands the basic building blocks of the human being, the knowledge and behavior patterns are strictly organized.

According to this theory, the processes go without clear boundaries into each other, they are decisive for the classification of a person's experiences in his worldview and should be in the balance are: Existing schemes should be expanded through assimilation, but accommodation should also create new schemes if assimilation is no longer possible or repeatedly fails.

Only through both Cognitive processes people can develop and benefit from the experience.

Promote personal development through accommodation

So instead of asking yourself where your strengths lie and where you feel good, you could ask yourself as well: When did I learn, recognize or interpret something new?

In order to reflect Share your past and move on to the level of personal development already encouraged by accommodation. Concrete:

  • Breaking routines

    The cognitive schemas or our thought patterns form over time from experience and determine our life and behavior. Perhaps you feel safe and secure through the routine of the day. But are you really satisfied?

    This is where self-reflection begins, you start rethinking your goals and break the routine - to think differently and thus to create new schemes. Would you like to be more successful at work, or improve your financial situation develop personally? Once you have recognized the new or old goals, you should look for the possible way to achieve them.

  • Reflect on the situation

    The vertical knowledge expansion Assimilate into the existing scheme: for example, you have learned to give feedback or negotiate, but have not changed your own attitude towards conflict or negotiation - it is and remains a difference of opinion.

    But leave during a conversation to the source of the conflict and try to find out its origin, think your way through the people involved, start to understand and so on Core of the argument detect. This will allow you to reflect on the conflict and gain new insights that will help you find a lengthy solution.

  • Eliminate self-doubt

    On the way to new professional or private goals, you are likely to be plagued by self-doubt. Just think about what happens when you do fail. The first impulse becomes weaker, the doubts grow stronger ...

    Think differently: What if i'm successful? What do I need to overcome possible obstacles? It is very likely that there are always hurdles - but these are experiences that lead to Accommodation belong. This will only make you stronger and keep developing.

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